Come together through adventure

Embark on an adventure that your team will never forget! Slay monsters, solve mysteries, and have a blast while your team builds empathy and communication skills in a low-stakes setting.

Want to speak with our manager? Or at least, the Dungeon Master in charge?

Why Dungeons & Dragons?

In D&D, you can't accomplish much on your own. It takes a team to get anything done, and you must learn to lean on the strengths of your party members while flexing those of your character. Together you must ask questions, adapt to new information, and make quick decisions, all while inhabiting the mind of a fantasy character.

The skills used in D&D are directly applicable to the modern workplace, and the bonds that your team will form during this act of collaborative storytelling will be unforgettable.

What if I barely know what D&D is?

Have no fear! Our Dungeon Master's specialty is introducing new players to the game swiftly and with a focus on role-playing and storytelling rather than rules-learning and number-crunching. 

We provide easy-to-use character sheets and integrate learning the game into the gaming session.

What does a team-building session look like?



D&D is good for teams? Prove it!

A wealth of research has been conducted on the transformative power of role-playing games. 

This study concludes that role-playing games are "particularly effective to foster knowledge acquisition... strengthen team building, [and] encourage collaborative creativity."

Dungeons & Dragons is even emerging as a popular method for therapists to use in mental health support.

Forbes has highlighted the power of D&D to help develop leadership skills.

What you'll get out of a corporate team-building session

About your Dungeon Master

Amelia (she/they) is a professional dungeon master, an educator, and a learning design specialist. She has built and run role-playing adventures for friends and strangers, in-person and online, for nearly a decade. Over the years, she has developed tools, templates, and systems to streamline the process of getting players immersed in the game without being bogged down by the rules. Additionally, she has a master’s degree in education and curriculum design and has created and delivered exciting learning experiences for students ranging in age from elementary to adult. 

Amelia is a member of the LGBTQ+ community and believes everyone 

has the right to choose their own gender identity and presentation. 

Don't just take my word for it!

See what players, students, and coaching clients have to say about Amelia as a dungeon master and coach.